Wow: wangwang!

(Never had I seen such scene of tight security under the watch of Mayor Mansueto Malabor and Mayor [now Rep.] Jerry Trenas.)

As I was heading to office, my attention was caught by the site of two white vans trailed by four motorcycles driven by uniformed cops. I had no idea what's so special with the passengers of the two vans. 

Similar scene of tight security or even tighter, must also be seen at the front of the two vehicles. The public ride I was taking didn't have a chance to pass the tightly secured white vans.

As I edited my shots and zoomed in on the individual pictures, my eyes was caught by the red plate bearing the name "City Mayor."

Luckily, he was only 5th placer in the 2014 search for "World Mayor", a ersatz competition where contestants are not evaluated personally on their performance by the search committee. Those wishing to be recognized as such as must "accept" the nomination and will be judged by on-line testimonies of, not experts or trained development planners, but by articles written mostly by sycophants who are free anyway to praise their ward to high heavens in the name of freedom of speech.

Photos below are the close ups of the same pictures above.


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